Minutes from February 10, 2025 Meeting

I.                Welcome

Those in attendance were:  Ryder, Cain, Fox, McCormick, Ludolph, Pastor Moon

II.              Attendance Update (Strive for 95)

GDES met the first and second nine week grading period attendance goals, but not likely to make it for the third nine weeks due to illness over the last several weeks. Mrs. Fromhart sends report home at the end of each grading period to show parents an individualized attendance rate. Parents have commented that this is very helpful.

III.            PBIS Update

a.     Dance (March 11 – K-2 1:00-1:45; 3-5 2:00-2:45)

b.     Tuesday, February 11, Hot chocolate/Valentine card making for the church.

IV.            Sign – needs fixed.  Has not been functioning for months.  It has been reported but we can not figure out a way to have it serviced.  It isn’t a maintenance issue, nor a technology issue. Dave Allender called the company to see if there is anyone local to repair it, but the company is located in Florida.

V.              Battle of the Books – begins March 3 Books will be posted on the bulletin board in the hallway.  Becky and Shayla will create a bracket to display the results of each voting round,

VI.            Social Studies Fair

a. School Fair was held on February 4, 2025 – 13 moving on to county.  School fair was a very successful day.

                                                b. County Fair (February 20)

                                                c. State Fair (April 11)

Lock Down/ School Safety

a.     Alice Training Review

b.     Spring Active Shooter Drill coming up soon. Teachers will choose best course of action (evacuate or lock down).  Teachers should review ALICE with students before that day.

c.      Emergency Drill (Bomb threat, weather, medical, shelter in place)

We will participate in the state tornado, typically scheduled some time in March.

VII.           Grades 3-5 Modules Assessments ( Window February 3-21)

VIII.          End of IR3  (February 7). Reports go home on Thursday.

IX.             Interim Reports  (February 13)

X.              Cookie Decorating Family Night (February 12 @ 6:00 PM) Thank you TEAM!

XI.             Valentine Classroom Activities ( February 14 @ 2:00 PM) Thank you TEAM and homeroom parents!

XII.           Professional Learning  Day  (February 17)

a.     Faculty Senate & Safety/ Wellness Committee Meeting

b.     Pre-K Screening

XIII.          Strings Recruitment Concert (February 18 @ 12:45 PM JMHS for third-grade students, along with fourth and fifth-grade string students.  Lunch schedule will be modified for the third grade on that day.

XIV.         Summative Assessment (Window May 5-23) We will try to test during the first week of May because the May calendar is filling up quickly! 

XV.           Next LSIC Meeting (April 14 @ 3:15 p.m.)

XVI.         Pastor Moon inquired about scheduling a teacher appreciation breakfast or lunch and asked for suggestions that would be most enjoyed by the staff.  The next PL day was suggested as a good option, Tuesday, April 22. 

XVII.        Pastor Moon asked to use the gym on April 19 as a rain location for their community Easter Egg hunt.

Meeting adjourned at 3:50pm.

Minutes respectfully submitted by K. Fox

Minutes from 12.9.24 Meeting

Welcome and Previous Minutes Review

· Mrs. Ryder welcomed everyone and read the minutes from the previous LSIC meeting.

· Ms. Cain distributed an updated calendar with important dates through the end of the school year for anyone who needed it.

Agenda Topics

1. Attendance Update

o Students are participating in the “Drive for 95” attendance initiative.

o Visual attendance charts are sent home at the end of each nine weeks, showing students’ attendance percentages.

o Last nine weeks, the school achieved its goal of 95.8% attendance, and visuals have been helpful for students and parents.

2. PBIS Update

o The PBIS program is helping students take accountability for their behavior.

o Extra recess tickets are available for students who save enough Dragon Dollars.

o John Marshall High School students will assist with extra recess activities.

o The next PBIS incentive is a field trip to The Strand to watch The Grinch for $50 Dragon Dollars.

3. Safety Drills

o The fall intruder drill in October involved everyone evacuating to St. Jude’s Church, which went smoothly.

o A spring active shooter drill is scheduled for March 21, 2025.

o Pastor Moon suggested providing a walkie-talkie to strings and band instructors at the church to improve communication during emergencies. This will be implemented.

o Chief Vogler clarified that the building’s windows are bullet-resistant but not fully bulletproof.

4. Literature Fair and LSIC Fair Updates

o The Literature Fair was a success, with some students advancing to county and regional levels. Ideas for increased promotion next year were discussed.

o The October LSIC Fair received positive feedback, with Brenda Caulfield winning the Stanley Cup raffle.

5. Social Studies Fair

o The school fair will take place on February 4, 2024, with the county fair on February 20 and the state fair on April 11.

o Teachers have distributed packets, and students are beginning work on their projects. Judges are needed; recommendations are welcome.

o To ensure that all attendees have the opportunity to view the projects during the Social Studies Fair, it was suggested that the open house run from 2:00 to 2:30 p.m.. During this time, projects will remain on display, and parents will only be permitted to take the projects home after 2:30 p.m. This policy aims to prevent situations where visitors arrive to find projects already taken down, as has happened in the past.

6. Upcoming Events and Announcements

o December 20: Faculty Senate and team-building activities during the professional learning day. LSIC safety and wellness meetings are complete, so none will occur on that day.

o December 10: Elementary school musical at 1:30 p.m. (dress rehearsal) and 6 p.m. for parents.

o December 17: Pre-K through 2nd-grade gingerbread house activity at 6 p.m., sponsored by TEAM.

o December 19: Santa Claus photos at 9 a.m. by Strike a Pose Photography.

o December 20: End of the nine weeks; report cards will be distributed January 8, 2025, along with the 3D Assembly Awards.

7. Wellness Committee Update

o Mrs. Faulstick provided updates on past programs and shared plans for upcoming wellness initiatives.

o Mrs. Lyseski and Mrs. Morando are shopping for 14 students, with $100 being spent on each student. These funds, raised through the Dragons Helping Dragons initiative and donations from the 12 Days of Christmas, will provide these students with a Christmas celebration. Additionally, the school is organizing Christmas dinners for 17 families, which will be available for pickup on December 16th and 17th. This effort reflects our commitment to supporting the wellness of our school community.

Next Meeting

· Date: February 10, 2024

· Time: 3:15 p.m.

Adjournment Meeting adjourned with thanks to all participants.

Minutes from 9.9.24 Meeting

Glen Dale Elementary School LSIC Meeting Minutes
September 9, 2024
Attendees: Becky Ryder, Shayla Ludolph, Jonathan Moon, Ashley Odgen, Tricia Dunlap, Kathy Fox, Chad Getz, Kim Cain

Agenda: See attached

1. Introduction of Members-All present members introduced themselves.

2. LSIC Training Video-All members viewed an LSIC Training video.

3. Election of Chairperson-Becky Ryder was elected as Chairperson. Jonathan Moon and Tricia Dunlap were elected to assist BeckyRyder.

4. Review of Strategic Plan Goals
- Reading/ Language Arts & Math: Aim for a 5% increase in student performance.
- K-2 Acadience: End-of-Year Benchmark goal of a 70% increase.
- Attendance Goal: Students should have 2 or fewer absences per 9 weeks and 5 or fewer tardies. At the end of each 9 weeks, students who meet this goal will receive an incentive.

5. School Safety
- Lockdown Safety Drill: Discussed procedures for upcoming lockdown drill.
- Active Shooter Drill: Scheduled for October.
- ALICE Training: Teachers have reviewed ALICE safety protocols with students.
- Fire Drills: One fire drill has already been conducted, and another is planned for next week.
- Bulletproof Windows Inquiry: Jonathan Moon inquired whether the school windows were bulletproof. Clarification was given that windows should not be opened under any circumstances for safety reasons.

6. Upcoming Events
- Professional Learning Day: Scheduled for October 9, 2024.
- LSIC Fair: October 15, 2024, at 5:30 p.m. at the Moundsville Center. All parents are encouraged to attend.
- Report Card Distribution: Report cards will be sent home on October 21, 2024.
- Parent-Teacher Conferences: Scheduled for October 29, 2024.
- Veterans Day Program: Planned for November.
- American Education Week: Celebrations will take place from November 17-23, 2024.

7. Pop-Up Farmers Market
- Discussed the success of the Pop-Up Farmers Market and how much the students enjoyed it. A thank-you note was written to Molly Poffenbarger for organizing this event.

8. Church Mentoring Program
- The school will continue welcoming mentors from the Glen Dale United Methodist church to eat lunch and play board games with students

Next Meeting October 15, 2024 @ 5:30-7:00 p.m. at the Moundsville Center.
Meeting adjourned.